Transforming Your Students From Bullying Bystanders To Courageous Upstanders

Jessica Hickman
Founder of Bullyology
Author of The Bullyologist:
Breaking the Silence on Bullying
Watch this episode to learn :
- What is the bystander effect and how do we become upstanders.
- Why do we as humans tend to become bystanders and often diffuse responsibility.
- How a toxic work environment over time impacts our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
- Why students should be involved in building an action plan to drive the upstander movement in the school community.
- Why children are more likely to let their parents know they are being bullied if they trust their parents will not overreact.
- Why building a partnership approach with your child or students to make them feel comfortable to speak up is essential.
- Buy Jessica Hickman's book The Bullyologist: Breaking the Silence on Bullying
- Follow Jessica Hickman on LinkedIn
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