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Safe Image AI, Two Factor Authentication, Google Classroom & Google Docs

New Assure Features - April 2022

Saasyan Assure v.5.12 has several new Core Features as well as some exciting Preview Features available for customer feedback! 

Assure 5.12 Core Features

1. Two-Factor Authentication

Saasyan Assure offers even more security with 5.12!

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is now available when setting up Assure access permissions.

Assure administrators can easily enforce or deactivate two-factor authentication by navigating to Permissions in the Admin module. From here, administrators can enforce or deactivate two-factor authentication for all users or choose a specific user.

Activate Two-Factor Authentication:


2. Google Classroom Integration

You can now create firewall rule overrides in the Google Classroom application.

A rule override can allow or deny a specific web page, web categories, or web applications for a class, a student or several specific students. Each rule can be permanent, temporary, or scheduled for a specific class. 

You can easily keep learning outcomes and productivity are on track all from within the Google Classroom!

3. Improved Alert Email Capabilities

We're always working hard to improve the user experience of our alerting system.

In the latest release, we have added a "View In Browser" feature to your alert emails. 

Wellbeing Alert emails can now be viewed in your browser enabling users to easily mark alerts as actioned as well as add notes to alerts if desired.

From the "View In Browser" window you can also mark if the alert is accurate based on the Classification which helps to improve Alert accuracy.

Actioning an alert and sharing feedback from "View in Browser."


Assure 5.12 Preview Features

Assure 5.12 has several exciting Preview Features in its latest version!

Assure Preview Features are slow released to gain customer feedback and improve the feature before its core release at a later date.

Please help us improve by sharing your feedback over the next few weeks as we release 5.12 Preview Features.

1. Safe Image AI to Combat Image-Based Abuse

Saasyan Assure has a new Safe Image AI function to help schools combat the sharing of explicit images.

Assure scans students' online drives and any images containing sexual content will be flagged as an alert. You can view these alerts in the Assure Alerts History Tab where you have the option to view the flagged images.

This feature is currently available for Google Drive.

Google Drive Alerts:



2. Google Docs Monitoring & Alerting

Leveraging our AI functions for monitoring & alerting cyberbullying and self-harm in email and chat, we have extended this feature to monitor Google Docs as well.

Similarly to our Safe Image AI feature, with the integration of Google Docs, Assure scans all documents and any containing potentially harmful text will be flagged as alerts. In the Alert History Tab you can then view the context of the flagged document if needed.

By integrating Google Docs in this release, teachers and wellbeing leaders have increased visibility of their student's online activity.

3. Classroom View in LMS  

You can now view up to date student activity in the Classroom View Tab on both Google Classroom and Canvas Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Classroom View:

Classroom view 2Teachers can see real-time activity for the last 15 minutes of the students enrolled in their class and refresh the view for up to date activity when desired.

Each student's name is hyperlinked to access their User Report if needed, and only Web Categories that have ratings below Average are shown. Web Categories are also colour coded based on a student's activity; poor (red), orange (fair), green (good).


This is only the tip of the iceberg for our 5.12 release! Check out the full list below to access all the 5.12 features. Full Release Notes

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